The Saint Louis University School of Medicine and Missouri Sleep Society (MSS) is sponsoring and hosting a joint conference, Missouri Sleep 2017 on April 8-9, 2017. It is the ninth annual best sleep conference held for physicians, clinicians, technologists, dentists, respiratory therapists, nurses, psychologists, sleep researchers, and other sleep health professionals.
The conference, which is being held in the Saint Louis University Medical Center, LRC, Pitlyk Auditorium, offers 12 continuing education hours and provide medical professionals and scientists in the sleep medicine field an opportunity to learn about sleep, as it is a complex physiological phenomenon. More than 15 sleep exhibitors will also display the latest in sleep-related products.
Although sleep disorders are fairly common, they are not diagnosed enough according to the Institute of Medicine (IOM). Sleep disorders, in many cases, when properly diagnosed, can be managed easily. IOM reports that providing continuing medical education (CME) activities for sleep professionals and health care providers is one way to help with this.
The intent of the Missouri Sleep 2017 conference is to provide activities for healthcare professionals in the sleep and medical fields who practice in Missouri and surrounding states to gain expertise and skills in the diagnosis and treatments of common sleep disorders .
In addition, the conference allows for the review and discussion of recent sleep medicine changes, hot topics in the industry, and recent requirement changes for American Academy of Sleep Medicine accreditation.
The mission of the Missouri Sleep Society is to advance the sleep medicine field and serve its members by:
Promoting the utilization of well-known and acknowledged clinical care standards in sleep medicine so patients receive a high-quality of care.
Providing education to sleep professionals and healthcare providers so they can also provide a high-level of care in sleep medicine.
Boosting awareness of treatment and health consequences of the entire range of sleep disorders to the public.
Supporting healthcare providers and sleep professionals by providing a national and state level unified voice.
The vision is to advance the sleep medicine field through education and advocacy in the state of Missouri.
The overall objective of the conference is for participants to get a better understanding of available insomnia and OSA treatment modalities. Participants should gain a better understanding of the new changes in the sleep medicine classification and scoring system. Some activities to meet objectives include:
Reviewing OSA surgical treatments.
Determining ways to enhance CPAP adherence.
Examining the role of ethnicity and race on sleep disorders.
Determining how sleep is affected by diabetes.
Reviewing the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) scoring material.
Recognizing ways to identify and provide treatment for circadian rhythm disorders.
Evaluating approaches to child sleepiness.
Constructing a plan for approaching child insomnia.
Reviewing oral and dental sleep disordered breathing treatments.
Discussing ways to titrate and calibrate dental mandibular advancement tools.
Part of the overall objective is for participants to get a better understanding of sleep across a child to elderly lifespan. The course directors for this 2-day conference will be Raman Malhotra, MD and H. Thomas Johnson, MD. Other professors and faculty members will take part in this education course as well.
The CME program sponsored in part by the Saint Louis University School of Medicine has been resurveyed and awarded with the Accreditation with Commendation due to it being a provider of continued education in the medical field for physicians for 6 years. This award was provided to them by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).
Some of the specific agenda items the conference is covering include:
Sleep and Diabetes
Mandibular Advancement Devices (Titration and Calibration)
What approach to take for excessive sleepiness in pediatric patients
Oral Myofunctional Treatment for the OSA condition
Difficult Insomnia and Hypersomnia Cases
OSA surgical treatments
Review and updates of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders
CPAP Adherence
Costs, Discounts and Promo Codes
The registration fee before March 23, 2017 is as follows:
Dentists and Physicians: $180.00
Residents and Fellows: $120.00
Nurses: $120.00
Sleep Techs and other Allied Healthcare Professionals: $120.00
After March 23, 2017, the registration fees is increased as follows:
Dentists and Physicians: $210.00
Residents and Fellows: $150.00
Nurses: $150.00
Sleep Techs and other Allied Healthcare Professionals: $150.00
If you use your Saint Louis University email address to register, you can receive a $25.00 discount on the payment page off the posted fees by entering the promo code: SLUSLEEP17.
To cancel and get a refund, you must cancel before March 22, 2017 and your fee will be refunded to you minus an Administration Fee of $15.00. After March 22, 2017, no refunds will be given out.
Participants may register at and
For more information on the conference, cancellation requests (provide order number) and registration questions, please contact the Saint Louis University CME Office at
Take this opportunity to join the Missouri Sleep Society...its FREE!